Should You Still Be Using Popups in 2022?

August 26,2022 - Posted by Admin

Are you considering using popups on your website in 2022? You might want to think twice before doing so. Popups can be incredibly annoying to website visitors, and they’re often blocked by ad blockers anyway. On the other hand, they can also be incredibly effective when used strategically and carefully.

So which is it – should you still be using popups in 2022?

In this article, we’ll take a look at why popups are so disliked and whether or not they’re still an effective marketing tool. By the end, you should have a good idea of whether or not popups are right for your website.

What Popups Are and Why People Hate Them:

Popups are those little windows that appear on top of the webpage you’re trying to read. They can be triggered by a variety of things, like moving your mouse to the top of the page or clicking on a link. Most popups are advertisements, but they can also be used for other things, like collecting email addresses or promoting special offers.

People hate popups because they’re often intrusive and difficult to close. They can interfere with the usability of a website, and they’re generally just considered to be annoying. In some cases, popups can even be malicious, containing viruses or other harmful code.

10 Popup Mistakes That Are Hurting Your Website’s Conversion Rate

According to eMarketer, people are more likely to watch a tv ad than click on a pop-up. So if you’re using popups on your website, there is a good chance that they are hurting your conversion rate.

Here are 10 common mistakes that you should avoid if you want to get the most out of your popups:

  1. Too many popups. Using too many popups on your website can overwhelm visitors, resulting in lower conversion rates and increased bounce rates. Instead, choose a few key areas where you really want to capture attention and use those for popups.
  2. Too much copy. If your popup contains too much text or a complicated call to action, visitors are less likely to read it and take action. Keep your popups short and simple, focusing on one clear message or offer.
  3. Poor timing. The best time to use a popup is when users are most engaged with the content. According to popular opinion, a five-second delay in pop ups is ideal since it’s neither too quick nor too slow.
  4. No exit options. If visitors can’t find a way to close the popup, they’ll likely just leave the page entirely. Make sure that your popups have a clear “close” button or link so that users can easily get rid of them.
  5. Not mobile-friendly. In today’s world, every website needs to be mobile-friendly. If you’re using popups on your site, make sure they’re designed to work well on all devices – including mobile.
  6. Not tested for user experience. Before you launch your popups, test them out on real users to ensure that they aren’t too difficult to use or frustrating.
  7. Inappropriate content. Your popup should align with the overall theme of your website and offer something relevant to your visitors. If the content seems out of place or irrelevant, users are less likely to engage with it.
  8. Too many fields. If your popup has too many input fields, users will likely be turned off by the perceived effort required to fill them all out. Stick to the essentials and only ask for information that you really need.
  9. Auto-playing videos. Many websites use popups with auto-playing videos, but this can be a major annoyance to visitors. Avoid using autoplay and instead focus on clear, direct calls to action.
  10. No incentive. If your popup doesn’t offer a clear incentive or compelling reason for users to take action, they probably won’t bother. Make sure that your offer is something that people will actually want before you use a popup to promote it.

Are Popups Still Effective?

Even though they’re so disliked, popups can still be effective when used correctly. A well-designed popup can actually be helpful to website visitors, providing them with relevant information or offers. Popups can also be effective at collecting email addresses and other contact information.

When used correctly, popups can be a valuable tool for your website. However, you need to be careful not to overuse them or use them in a way that’s intrusive or annoying. If you do that, you’ll likely find that people will start to leave your website in droves.

5 Best Practices for Using Popups

Before you start using popups on your website, make sure that you follow these best practices:

  1. Only use popups in places where they’re really needed.

Putting a popup on every page of your website is a surefire way to annoy visitors. Instead, only use popups in places where they’ll be most effective. For example, you might want to use a popup to encourage visitors to sign up for your email list or download a white paper.

  1. Keep the design simple and clean.

Your popup should be designed in a way that’s easy to understand and use. Avoid using complicated designs or too much text. Instead, focus on delivering a clear message with a simple call to action.

  1. Use a lightbox popup.

Lightbox popups are the most popular type of popup because they’re not distracting or intrusive. When you use a lightbox popup, the pop up always stays on top of the current page and users can easily click away from it if they want to.

  1. Offer an incentive for taking action.

The best way to encourage people to engage with your popup is by offering them something in exchange for their information. This could be a discount code, a free download, or some other type of bonus.

  1. Always run A/B tests.

You never know for sure how your visitors will respond to popups until you actually start using them on your site. To come up with the best design and ensure that your popups are effective, always run A/B tests. This will allow you to try out different designs and see which ones work best.

Popups can be a helpful tool for your website, but you need to be careful about how you use them. Make sure to follow the best practices outlined above to ensure that your popups are effective and don’t annoy your visitors.